Nurse Insights: How Do Nurses Prepare to Work in a Multidisciplinary Team?

Written by NursingEducation Staff

When it comes to providing comprehensive care for patients, interdisciplinary teamwork is essential. Nurses, as integral members of healthcare teams, play a crucial role in facilitating communication, coordinating care, and advocating for patients. In this article, we explore the importance of interdisciplinary teamwork in nursing and the skills that nurses need to successfully collaborate with other healthcare professionals in multidisciplinary teams.

Multidisciplinary Team?
Nurse Insights

How Do Nurses Prepare to Work in a Multidisciplinary Team?

In our Nurse Insights series, experienced nurses offer an insider’s perspective on the nursing profession by addressing common questions, challenges, and triumphs of their careers.

Importance of Interdisciplinary Teamwork in Nursing

Interdisciplinary teamwork is essential in the medical industry. This concept empowers nurses, physicians, specialists, social workers, and other healthcare professionals to contribute their unique skills and perspectives in providing patient care. Each member of this comprehensive team has a key role to play. Sharing knowledge and resources among the team not only boosts the quality of care but also safeguards against potential errors or oversights.

Role of the Nurse in Interdisciplinary Teamwork

As a registered nurse (RN), you become the touchpoint between patients and the rest of the medical team. You facilitate communication, advocate for patient needs, and play an active role in coordinating care. From observing patients and identifying health or wellness issues to facilitating communication among various healthcare providers, your position is instrumental in ensuring that the healthcare process flows smoothly.

Interdisciplinary teamwork optimizes patient outcomes. By working in harmony with other healthcare professionals, you can ensure holistic care for patients that address all aspects of their health: physical, emotional, psychological, and social. Studies have shown that such teams can greatly enhance patient satisfaction and recovery rates and reduce hospital readmissions.

Improving Healthcare Effectiveness

Interdisciplinary teamwork can improve the effectiveness of healthcare by allowing each professional to focus on their specific area of expertise. For instance, a nurse may focus on patient monitoring and comfort, while a dietary specialist can provide targeted dietary advice, and a physical therapist can develop an exercise regimen for the patient. This combined knowledge results in a comprehensive care plan that addresses all aspects of the patient’s health.

This strategy also fosters an environment conducive to learning among healthcare professionals. Knowledge sharing and common decision-making can build confidence among team members and result in better patient outcomes. Collaboration of this kind aids in dismantling barriers between different professions and elevates the overall caliber of healthcare services provided.

Interpersonal Skills for Teamwork

Successful collaboration within the healthcare team relies heavily on effective communication, understanding, and mutual respect. These essential interpersonal skills allow efficient exchange of information and timely medical decisions and foster a supportive environment for all healthcare professionals and patients.

Effective Communication

Communication, especially in the healthcare industry, is key. As a nurse, you will need to regularly engage in discussions with doctors, other nurses, and patients. This requires an ability to clearly express your thoughts and understand those of others. Strong communication also minimizes the risk of medical errors which can occur due to misunderstandings. You can enhance your communication skills by actively listening, practicing clear and concise verbal communication, and developing your non-verbal cues like body language and facial expressions.

Understanding and Empathy

In addition to effective communication, understanding and empathy are critical. Understanding other team members, and especially patients, is fundamental in nursing. With a deep understanding, you can respond more effectively to their needs and emotional states. To develop your understanding and empathy, try to put yourself in their shoes, always be open to learning more, and be sensitive to cultural and personal differences.

Mutual Respect

Mutual respect is what holds a healthcare team together. Recognizing each member’s valuable contributions, respecting their expertise, and maintaining professionalism at all times promotes a cohesive team environment. This respect should extend to patients as well, ensuring their dignity and rights are upheld. To build respect, always treat others as equals, be willing to give and receive feedback professionally, and uphold ethical standards consistently.

By focusing on improving these key interpersonal skills, you can become a more effective nurse, both for your colleagues and your patients. These skills are best developed through hands-on experience. Try to seize every opportunity during your educational and professional journey to practice and hone these critical skills. A successful nursing career goes beyond the books – it’s about how you connect with people in a meaningful way.

Collaborative Decision-Making

During your nursing career, you will quickly understand the process of collaborative decision-making. This involves partnering with various members of the healthcare team to make decisions about patient treatments and care plans.

Understanding Team Dynamics

In any healthcare setting, you won’t be working in isolation. Many healthcare professionals come together to contribute their knowledge, skills, and perspectives to a patient’s care. These may include physicians, nurse practitioners, pharmacists, social workers, and dietitians, among others. Building effective working relationships with these professionals is key to achieving the best patient outcomes.

Active Participation in Team Meetings

One significant aspect of teamwork in healthcare is participating in team meetings. In these meetings, you’ll have the opportunity to provide nursing perspectives on patient conditions, contribute to the development of patient care plans, and discuss any issues or concerns. Active participation is not just about speaking up, but also about actively listening and considering the insights provided by your team members.

Open and Constructive Communication

Open and constructive communication is crucial for effective collaboration. Encouraging each team member to share thoughts, voice concerns, and ask questions creates a supportive environment where everyone feels valued and the best decisions can be made. Remember, the ultimate goal is to provide the best care possible for the patient.

Embracing Different Perspectives

Being open and respectful of different perspectives is another important component of collaboration in healthcare. Every healthcare professional brings a unique set of skills, knowledge, and experiences to the team. By respecting and considering these different perspectives, the team can make well-rounded and informed decisions about patient care plans.

Conflict Resolution

Conflicts can sometimes arise when there are differing viewpoints or misunderstandings within the team. Handling these conflicts effectively is important for maintaining a healthy team dynamic and ensuring that patient care isn’t compromised. As a nurse, knowing how to respectfully address and resolve disputes is a valuable skill to possess.

Advocating for the Patient

As a nurse, your role in collaborative decision-making doesn’t just involve working with the healthcare team, but also advocating for the patient. You are often the primary point of contact for patients and their families, which puts you in a position to relay their wants, needs, and concerns to the team. Ensuring their voices are heard and considered in decision-making is a critical part of patient-centered care.

Remember, collaboration doesn’t end with decision-making. The effectiveness of care plans depends on the team’s shared commitment to implement and monitor them. Maintain open and ongoing communication with your team to ensure the plan is working as intended and to make necessary adjustments.

Understanding the Roles of Team Members

Working in the healthcare industry, you’ll be working closely with doctors who are generally team leaders. They diagnose illnesses, prescribe medications, and oversee the total patient care plan. Their role demands the coordination and communication of care instructions to other team members. Knowledge of their responsibilities helps you understand the care plan for each patient.


Pharmacists not only prepare and dispense medications, but they also play an essential role in patient safety. They help to prevent medication errors by reviewing prescriptions for potential interactions or overdosing. They can educate you about medications, their actions, side effects, and ways to administer them to patients.

Physical and Occupational Therapists

Physical therapists focus on helping patients regain mobility and strength after surgeries or injuries. Their treatment plans directly affect your interactions with the patient, as some activities might be restricted during recovery. Occupational therapists help patients regain the ability to perform daily activities. Understanding their roles can help you assist patients with their recovery exercises.

Social Workers

Social workers often fill multiple roles: counselor, mediator, and even advocate for the patient. They help patients and families navigate the emotional, social, and financial complexities of healthcare. From arranging home care services to aiding with insurance paperwork, their duties directly affect the patient’s care outside the hospital.

Respiratory Therapists

Having a thorough knowledge of the role of respiratory therapists is essential, particularly in cases of patients suffering from chronic respiratory diseases or emergencies. They administer therapies to help patients breathe, and operate ventilators and artificial airway devices for patients who can’t breathe normally on their own.


Dieticians provide guidelines on proper nutrition, which is critical to patient recovery. They recommend diet plans based on patient’s health conditions, and understanding these guidelines aids in monitoring patients’ meals.

Laboratory Technologists

Laboratory technologists perform tests that are crucial for diagnosis. They are responsible for conducting tests and analyses on samples of body fluids, tissues, and other substances to help diagnose, treat, and prevent diseases. A clear understanding of their role makes it easier to explain test procedures and results to patients.

Knowing each team member’s role encourages strong teamwork and smooth operations. It allows interprofessional communication and collaboration, improving patient outcomes.

Training and Education for Teamwork

One of the most important aspects of efficient healthcare delivery is teamwork. For students aiming to become nurses or nurses aspiring to work in a management or leadership position, there are specific training programs designed to instill and enhance this critical skill set.

Interprofessional Education (IPE) Programs

Interprofessional education programs are designed to foster an understanding and appreciation of the roles of different professionals within the healthcare team. These workshops expose students to team-based care, communication strategies, conflict management, and patient-centered thinking. They often include case-based learning and simulations that provide hands-on experience of team dynamics in action.


Developed by the Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality (AHRQ) and the Department of Defense, Team Strategies and Tools to Enhance Performance and Patient Safety (TeamSTEPPS®) is training focused on providing strategies and tools to enhance teamwork in the healthcare environment. This program covers topics like leadership, mutual support, situation monitoring, and communication, training students on how to navigate these complex elements within a team structure.

Crisis Resource Management (CRM) Training

Crisis resource management training is specifically designed to foster skills necessary for efficient teamwork during high-stakes situations. This form of training focuses on communication, leadership, problem-solving, and decision-making within teams.

Contingency Leadership Workshops

These workshops aim to teach nurses how to adapt their leadership style to fit the dynamic needs of a team in response to various scenarios within a healthcare setting. Contingency leadership workshops are interactive, typically involving role-play and case studies to provide practical experience.

These are some of the educational programs that prepare nurses for working in team-based structures. Participation in these will equip you with the necessary knowledge and skills to optimally function within and lead healthcare teams. Remember that teamwork skills are vital for patient safety and job satisfaction, so focus on strengthening them throughout your nursing career.

Coping Strategies and Conflict Resolution

Working in a multidisciplinary team can often be stressful, especially if you’re immersed in a high-pressure environment like healthcare. Being both a team player and an individual contributor can be demanding.

Coping Strategies for Teamwork Stress

Here are some coping strategies to manage teamwork stress:

Conflict Resolution Methods

Conflicts within a team are almost inevitable. Here are some methods to resolve them:

The key principle in conflict resolution and stress management is proactive communication. Open, honest, and respectful communication can often prevent stress and conflicts from escalating.

Communication and conflict resolution skills are critical in multidisciplinary healthcare teams. It’s beneficial to actively develop these skills throughout your nursing career.

Skills for Leadership in a Multidisciplinary Team

To effectively lead a multidisciplinary team in a healthcare setting, you need to cultivate and nurture a spectrum of leadership skills.

Establish Clear and Consistent Communication

Develop your communication skills to become adept at sharing, explaining, and discussing information with your team. Be clear with your directives, open to feedback, and keen on listening. Make use of communication technology tools available in most healthcare settings to keep everyone on the same page.

Embrace Teamwork and Delegation

Building solid teamwork skills is essential. Encourage collaboration and support within the group. Learn to delegate tasks effectively based on the strengths and skills of your team members – every member should feel valued and part of the team’s success.

Become a Problem Solver

You must be ready to manage conflicts and solve problems that arise within your team. That means not just being decisive, but also fair, respectful, and understanding. Brush up on conflict resolution techniques and effective problem-solving models.

Encourage Professional Development

Promote ongoing learning and improvement within your team. In the healthcare field, there are always new methodologies, treatments, and technologies emerging. Encourage team members to attend workshops, seminars, and training programs to continually update their skill sets.

Develop Emotional Intelligence

Emotional intelligence can make a big difference in the way you interact with your team. Being aware of your own emotions, as well as those of your team members, can help foster a more understanding and supportive environment.

Developing leadership skills is a process and doesn’t happen overnight. Begin by identifying your strengths and areas for improvement, then persistently work on enhancing your abilities. The result will be a more cohesive, effective workforce that delivers exceptional patient care.

Remember to lead by example: Your team members are likely to emulate your attitude, work ethic, and dedication to patient care. If you display the commitment and dedication you expect from them, you’ll cultivate the same among your own team.

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